Saturday 31 May 2014

Passionfruit Panna Cotta #glutenfree #glutenfreecooking #glutenfreerecipes

These beautifully decadent Passion Fruit Panna Cotta are smooth and creamy on the palate - the perfect dessert to finish the finest dinner!

Passion Fruit Panna Cotta

250 ml Fresh Cream
250 ml Milk
100g Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
3 Gelatin leaf or 2.5 tablespoon Gelatin Powder
1 tin Passion Fruit Pulp or the pulp of 2 Passion Fruit if in season

Prepare 4-6 Panna Cotta tins or molds. Place 2 tablespoon passionfruit pulp into the tins.
Place in freezer for about 10 minutes.
Place milk, cream, sugar and vanilla into a saucepan. 
Cook on medium heat until hot, but not boiling.
If you use gelatin leaf, soak in water 3-4 minutes, then add into the hot milk mixture.
Remove from heat, strain the mixture and let it cool a little, placing the bowl into a water bath.
Pour into the tins and refrigerate for 4-5 hours or overnite.
Soak the tins in hot water about 10 seconds before turning out.

Smooth and Creamy Decadence

Friday 30 May 2014

Kuih Lapis -Steamed layer Cake #glutenfree #glutenfreebaking #glutenfreerecipes

This is one normal and popular Nyonya delight in Southeast Asia. Nyonya means the marrying of two cultures - Chinese and Malay - which results in these gorgeous steamed layer cakes. The simple ingredients needed are usually standard items in any Asian pantry. 

Kuih Lapis

250g Rice Flour
50g Tapioca Flour
250-300g Sugar

600 ml Coconut Cream
600 ml Water

1 teaspoon rose water
 Pink Colouring


Heat water in steam wok on a  high heat.
Combine all ingredients with the exception of the colour.

Separate into 2 parts, add pink colouring to one leaving the other plain.
Pour 1 big scoop of plain mixture into tin and put in steam wok (or steamer).

Steam for about 5 minutes. 
Pour 1 large scoop of pink mixture onto the previous layer.
Steam another 5 minutes...repeat until all of the two mixtures are finished. 
Remember the last layer must be a pink one.  I add more colouring into the last one and steam about 10 minutes or until set.
Refrigerate overnight so you can cut beautiful shape.


  • More sugar can be added if you have a sweet tooth.
  • Always buy good quality coconut cream. Usually I use Chicken brand imported from Malaysia/ Singapore.
  • You can choose to use other colours. Or. smaller steam tins if you prefer.
  • Make sure water from steamer does not drop into your cake when you steam it. To prevent this you may have to create a little ramp of Alfoil to stop stream droplets falling on cake.
  • Remember stir well each time you use the different mixtures.

Steamed Layer Cake

Thursday 29 May 2014

Hainanese Chicken Rice #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #glutenfreecooking

This is one of my favourite dishes and very popular in Singapore and Malaysia . I can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some western people, may think this a simple and boring dish, but it allows you to taste and savour the pure, original flavour of the chicken. Serve with Oily Steam Rice and Garlic Chilli Sauce.

Hainanese Chicken Rice served with Seasoning Sauce and Chilli Sauce, Vegetable Soup

1 whole Free Range Chicken
1 clove of garlic, cut half

1 Spring Onion
3 cm Ginger, grated
2 tablespoon Salt


Place the chicken and all ingredients into a big pot, cover with water.

Place lid on pot.  Heat on high until the water is boiling. 
Turn down to medium heat and cook another 20 minutes.
Turn off the heat and let chicken sit  in the boiled water for about 15 minutes. Remember don't open the lid  during that time.

Remove the cooked chicken and soak in ice water until cold. Dry it and brush some sesame oil on the skin.
Strain the chicken stock to keep for rice and chilli sauce.

Oily Rice


2 cups Rice, washed

1.5- 2 cups Chicken Stock  (Saved from previously boiled chicken)
Salt if necessary


Cook all together until rice is soft. 
Butter can be added as well. (personal preference)

Chilli Sauce


Chlli and Seasoning Sauce
 10 Red Chilli, cut small
 8-10 glove Garlic crushed
 2 cm Ginger  grated
 2/3 cup Chicken Stock (Saved from previously boiled chicken)
1 Lemon, juiced
1 tablespoon Sweet Soy Sauce
 Sugar and salt for tasting


Blend all ingredients in food processor until fine. If you not like it too hot, remove all chilli seeds before blending.

Seasoning Sauce:

1/3 cup Chicken Stock (prepared earlier from boiling chicken)
2 tablespoons Sweet Soy Sauce
3 tablespoons Soy Sauce


Mix all together in a bowl


Cucumber, spring onion. Cut sliced

Cut the cooked chicken and plate on cucumber sliced, pour some seasoning sauce and some sesame oil drops on chicken, add spring onion on top. Serve with rice and chilli sauce.


  • Try to buy a large fatty chicken.This will result with it being moist and tender when  cooked.
  • You can add some carrot, potato, onion, cabbage, cook a pot of Vgetable Soup with the leftover stock.
  • The chicken cooking time will differ depending on the size.
  •  Soaking the cooked chicken in cold water bath brings out the flavour of the chicken in this simple dish.
  • Hainanese Chicken Rice

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Roast Vegetable Saffron Rice #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #glutenfreecooking

This gorgeous Saffron Rice is the perfect complement to our last dish of Moroccan Chicken. It can also be eaten as a meal in itself. 

Roast Vegetable Saffron Rice

1 cup Rice, washed
1 cup Water
Small hint of Saffron

2/3 cup Pumpkin, small diced, roasted
2/3 cup Sweet Potato, diced, roasted
1/2 Red Capsicum, small diced
1/2 cup Corn Kernels
1/2 cup Sultanas
1/2 cup Roasted Walnuts
1 Red Onion or 8 Shallots, sliced
1/3 cup Spring Onions, cut small
2 teaspoon Paprika
1 teaspoon Cumin seed, chopped
1/3 cup Yoghurt
1/4 cup Water
Salt and Pepper 


Cook the rice until 80% soft. You do not need too much water as the rice is still to be cooked further.

Dice Pumpkin and Sweet Potato - place on tray and roast until soft.
3 tablespoon olive oil in a big saucepan - heat.

Cook red onion/ shallot on medium heat until little brown.
Add red capsicum and saute for a few minutes. 

Add cooked rice, yoghurt and water cook until dry and rice soft.
Place in all other ingredients and seasoning and stir well for another few minutes.


You can use long/ short grain, basmati or jasmine rice. Remember do not add too much water or over cook
Turmeric powder or curry powder can be used to replace saffron .

Moroccan Chicken served with Roast Vegetable Saffron Rice #glutenfree

Monday 26 May 2014

Morrocan Chicken #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipe #glutenfreecooking

Moroccan Chicken is easy to prepare and can be popped into the oven to be ready when the guests arrive. With the exotic flavours of the Middle East, this dish is sure to be a winner whether for entertaining or your weekday dinner.

Serve with Saffron Rice and Yoghurt


1 whole chicken, cut into pieces

Spice Mix:

1 tablespoon Ground Corriandar
1 tablespoon Ground Cumin
1 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
1 teaspoon Paprika Powder
1 teaspoon minced Ginger
1 teaspoon minced Garlic
2 tablespoon Honey
1 tablespoon Curry Powder
1/2 cup Yoghurt
1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
Salt and pepper


In a large bowl, mix all spice ingredients together, rub into chicken and marinate for one to 2 days in fridge.
Place in oven at 190C, cooking both sides until dark brown.
Serve with couscous or saffron rice and yoghurt.


You can use whole chicken or cut chicken in half, but I prefer to use chicken pieces as the marinade sauce is able to make the chicken more tasty.
Take the chicken from the fridge 1-2 hours before cooking and bring to room temperature. This prevents the outside burning while the inside remains undercooked.
You can serve with roast vegetables or, saffron rice or, couscous and yoghurt.

Moroccan Chicken