Tuesday 29 April 2014

Fresh is Best

We all know the adage "fresh is best". Well we are encouraging you to visit your local nursery or raid your parents and friends gardens and start planting. Something that not only tastes good - it looks good and saves on those food bills.  As well as that you got someone to talk to - yea I knows it's only 'grow ya bugger' but, they respond in the most delightful way by producing great flavours and smells that you can't buy in the supermarket.
If you only have a balcony you can still have some beautiful fresh produce producing wonders around the home.. They cost very little to start and they give you so much pleasure to boot.

So buy a few pots (they don't need be expensive) and grab some potting mix - don your rubber gloves and reap the benefits of "fresh is best".
While you are at it throw a few in smaller containers - nurture them and give them as presents for those unexpected or expected presents.  Saves racing to shops and buying something people never use anyway. Lets face it, what you give them is a gift of 'you'.

Everything today is so disposable and commercial - it is nice to give something that keeps on giving joy.


While I am on my soap box of giving love - why don't you check out our friends at 'wincwrapincotton' and instead of wrapping stuff in paper that is generally thrown in the bin, give them something wrapped elegantly and can be used over and over again.

Beautiful gifts wrapped in cotton

Ok it doesn't make the paper wrapping people more and more money but it gives our children a better future with less pollution more trees and something to remember and re-use after the gift itself has gone belly up.


Think about it give us your ideas on thing to save the environment.  Who knows your might help someone along the way and show them the true meaning of giving and that is from a heart full of love.  

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