Tuesday 15 July 2014

Our Journey So Far! #glutenfree #glutenfreecooking #glutenfreerecipe

We have been asked by quite a few people why we chose to begin blogging and give our recipes, expertise and knowledge free to the wider community. One of the Lee's is gluten intolerant and while he resisted admitting this this for a larger part of his life, he has found that cutting gluten from his diet means that bloated feeling after eating is now a thing of the past. He has more energy, and his general health and well being has improved. The general lack of choices in everyday foods drove us to explore how to make gluten free food more mainstream. We were tired of paying a fortune at the supermarket for anything that had a 'gluten free' tag. So we set about experimenting, focusing on fresh food and gluten free products that are readily available and not too expensive. 

 There are people who live with the much more serious condition of Coeliac disease, in which the immune system reacts to the gluten in wheat. The villi in the small bowel atrophe and become flattened, affecting the surface area of the bowel available for absorption of nutrient. This can result in malabsorption issues. Our recipes are suitable for Coeliac sufferers and means a diet of lettuce and cheese is no more!

So, at Lee and Hock Lai’s Kitchen our mission is to make gluten free food that not only tastes great, looks great, but to all intents and purposes is almost impossible to identify as different from everyday food that contains gluten.  How many times have you heard people complaining that a gluten free diet is so restrictive and the baked goodies are stodgy, heavy and often like cardboard. Another problem with cooking gluten free food is that, often it requires expensive gums and specialty items that you have to source from health food shops.  Our aim is to make our gluten free recipes fairly inexpensive by eliminating these types of ingredients from our recipes. It also means that you can make our recipes with items that you can readily source from your regular supermarket. Many of our recipes are dairy free as well making them suitable for lactose intolerant and we also try to restrict our use of corn flour as many people have issues with corn as well. With #glutenfree, #dairyfree, #vegetarian, Lee and Hock Lai's Kitchen really has something for everyone.

Also, do not be put off using recipes from our blog if you are not on a gluten free diet as you can simply substitute normal flour back into the recipes for a fantastic result. We try to cover all areas of the menu and soon will include a special section for healthy lunch box treats and one pot, slow cooked dinners for Mums who are frazzled at meal times with homework, after school activities, and bath time! 

Stay with us on our journey as we further explore and continue to bring you new recipes and new products.

Lee and Lee Hock Lai

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